Saturday, September 8, 2012

Behind the Scene -- Biggy Cuppies as Wedding Favors

simple white windowed-boxes, adorned with a tag secured with a red-white checked ribbon.

working in domestic kitchen -- things all over the place ;P;P

hands shaking as I was rushing to finish...time was running out!

2 Lactose-Free Choc-O-Chocs, Red Velvet, HummingBird, Matcha Mia, & Wakey-Wakey (you can see the flavor label stuck on the inside of the lid)
My gauging of time was so bad that morning, that I was more than 30 mins late when my very patient customers came to collect. Sigh...felt soooo bad. Oh well, first time doing 30 boxes of 6-Biggy Wedding favors (180 Biggies!!)...good experience, and good lesson to learn. Thank you, Mei Lian, for your patience & for ordering -- on your brother's behalf! :D

1 comment:

  1.'s fine though...the cupcakes were worth waiting...hehe
